Sea Lavender Del Mar Overlook


Sea Lavender Coastal Bluff Trail Del Mar

Blooming Sea Lavender on top of a bluff overlooking the northerns stretch of Torrey Pines State Beach. You can find metered parking on the south bound lanes of Camino Del Mar Road. 

Sea Lavender, also know as marsh rosemary and lavender thrift, is a perennial coastal plant that can be often found  growing in both salt marshes and along coastal sand dunes. Despite its name, it is not actually related to the lavender plant. The plant creates leathery, spoon-shaped leaves, red-tinted stems, and delicate purple blooms that appear in summer. These plants are easily recognizable as a result of their dense, cloud-like spreads of tiny, paper-like lavender flowers. 

Sea Lavender Coastal Bluff Trail Del Mar Sea Lavender Coastal Bluff Trail Del Mar Sea Lavender Coastal Bluff Trail Del Mar Sea Lavender Coastal Bluff Trail Del Mar


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